I am following this hack (steps 1-5) to enable UK poscode search on Garmin devices when using open street map:
I have not had to do the conversion to latitude / longitude as I found a version which has already been converted here:
I download the Full UK Postcode Latitude Longitude in CSV format. which is se tout like this:
postcode latitude longitude
AB10 1XG 57.14416516 -2.114847768
AB10 6RN 57.13787976 -2.121486688
AB10 7JB 57.12427377 -2.127189644
AB11 5QN 57.14270109 -2.093295
AB11 6UL 57.13754663 -2.112233
AB11 8RQ 57.13597762 -2.072114784
AB12 3FJ 57.0980029 -2.077438
AB12 4NA 57.06427275 -2.130018015
AB12 5GL 57.08193792 -2.246567389
AB12 9SP 57.14870708 -2.097806027
AB14 0TQ 57.10155692 -2.268485752
AB15 5HB 57.147428 -2.1472662
AB15 6NA 57.151797 -2.185398
AB15 8UF 57.15400596 -2.22440188
AB15 9SE 57.11864762 -2.174250607
AB16 5ST 57.16346588 -2.15933343
AB16 6SZ 57.15875117 -2.165214861
In step 3 of the instructions it says “use GPSBabel or similar software to convert your desired postcode coverage files to .GPI format” The problem is when I load the CSV file into GPSBabel and try and convert to GPI format, conversion fails with the following error:
“No valid waypoints/routes/tracks translation specified”
here is a screenshot of the error:
Does anyone know how I can convert my CSV postcode data into gpi, so that it works with OSM on my garmin?