opens at 10h30 every day but closes when sold out (which can be anytime between 16h and 20h)
closes on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month (common practice for Vietnamese Buddhist restaurants serving meat, since many Vietnamese Buddhists follow a vegetarian diet on those days)
I don’t know how to reflect any of these things in opening_hours. The best I can think of is something like this:
Mo-Su 10:30-20:00 "Closes when sold out. Closed on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar month." (evaluation tool permalink).
Do you mean it will close at 20:00 anyway when not sold out? That’s the best that can be done. There’s no support for other calendar systems.
It’s clearer than to make it =Mo-Su 10:30-20:00 open "Closes when sold out. Closed on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar month." to show it’s always open. Comments alone is in fact defined to be unknown in the spec. Key:opening hours/specification - OpenStreetMap Wiki
I don’t know, it’s typically sold out before 20h and I didn’t know which arbitrary closing time to pick. Thanks for the context on open and for pointing out that a comment = unknown.
Should be better to use open-ended =Mo-Su 10:30-16:00+ open "Closes when sold out. Closed on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar month." , which conveniently acts a “hack” to warn people it’s increasingly likely to close after 16:00. You are free to add how it typically sells out before 20:00 in the comment.
Oh I didn’t know about the open ended thing (spec), so it looks like I could also just do Mo-Su 10:30+ open "Closes when sold out. Closed on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar month.", to avoid having to pick an arbitrary closing time? Or is it best to keep the arbitrary closing time for applications that might disregard +?
Yes, you can do that, technically more precise. I wasn’t sure about your explanation, and 10:30-16:00+ isn’t very bad as a guess if supplies almost always doesn’t run out until that time. (eg maybe they do restock or prepare more ingredients during daytime if getting low)
Would there be any issue with translating the comment to Vietnamese? (“Bán hết là đóng cửa; đóng cửa vào mồng 1, 15 âm lịch.” Something like that.) I suppose we could preserve the English translation in opening_hours:en=*, in case this restaurant is also popular with English-speaking tourists.
It’s unfortunate that there isn’t better syntactic support for alternative calendars. There’s a fair amount of off-the-shelf software for converting to and from the Vietnamese calendar.
That’s a good point @Minh_Nguyen, it’s actually not very popular with tourists as far as I can tell (it’s fish head soup, I wonder why?). I’ll use the local version primarily and add the English version under :en. Thanks for the feedback!
Alright, based on the discussion above (thanks everyone!), I went for:
opening_hours = Mo-Su 10:30-16:00+ open "Bán hết là đóng cửa; đóng cửa vào mùng 1, 15 âm lịch."
opening_hours:en = Mo-Su 10:30-16:00+ open "Closes when sold out. Closed on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar month."
This is simple and readable, provides “base” opening hours when the shop can realistically be expected to be open (10h30-16h), but also adds extra context on the open-ended hours (via + and comment).
Unfortunately there is no support for alternate calendars so the regular closure on the 1st and 15th of the lunar month are only indicated as comment.
The comment is Vietnamese-first and an English version is under opening_hours:en.