Old London ULEZ

There is still a relation for the North/South Circular ultra-low emission zone that has been replaced with the whole-London zone. Can it just be deleted?

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I can’t see any good reason to keep it, as it ceased to be useful or correct information in August 2023. Even if Susan Hall had won the mayoral election and kept her campaign promise to abolish ULEZ, the former boundary wouldn’t have been relevant.

If you don’t want to delete it immediately, perhaps a namespace prefix like was: or historic: could be added to the relation’s tags which are no longer correct, then delete it in a few weeks/months if nobody presents a reason to retain it?

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I see no need fo keep it myself.


Even if deleted now, this overpass query will still find it.

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Is it still signposted or has all of trace of it been removed from the ground?

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As far as I am aware, they were all removed last Summer. I suppose it’s possible that TfL may have missed one or two old signs somewhere around the entire length of the A406/A205. Should we really be stuck with incorrect data because a council workman may have missed an obsolete and irrelevant sign somewhere?