Offline Server Karten auch offline-Abrufbar machen

Hi …

I have OSM maps from Geofabrik available for download on an emergency server that is supposed to run WITHOUT an internet connection (see here:, only in german language).

The maps are available on my server in osm.pbf format because this is the quickest and easiest way to download them when setting up the server. Users should also be able to install an (Android) app and use the maps on their smart device completely independently.

Now I would like to extend the server so that users can also use the maps in a browser. No routing and no search function is necessary. Users should only be able to call up the map without first having to install an app and download the map completely. There is also no update necessary because the server runs completely offline and can only be accessed directly via WLAN and LAN.

In other words: The user should be able to access the data via a browser - just like in the web view of the OSM project!

WHAT do I need here as a server daemon?

The server runs either on a Raspberry PI (4 or 5 with 8 GB) with Raspberry OS or an Intel/AMD PC with Debian GNU/Linux - in other words: Debian is used throughout in order to remain compatible.

Many thanks in advance, Guido

For web raster maps (like the ones that you see on see here. The amount of data you can fit on there depends on server specification - with 4GB memory you might be able to process a large region or a small country. You can have this constantly updating itself over the internet until that goes away, and then (as long as you can get to the server) still show the most recent maps it has.

Two other options are worth considering. One is vector map tiles, such as the default OpenMapTiles-like style supported by Tilemaker. An advantage here is that you don’t need a database server, just something to make the data available to clients, which do the rendering themselves.

Another is maps for Garmin devices (handhelds, car satnavs, etc.). The most basic ones run on AA batteries which have obvious advantages for your use case. There’s a lot of info in the OSM wiki, and plenty of existing downloads. You might also find the scripts that I wrote here useful - they’re designed to work with Geofabrik downloads.

Thank you a thousand times and excuse me in using only german language during my question :wink: I’ve switched it over to english.

I’ve read the installation instructions for the debian tile server - and it seems that it will fit exactly my needs. I will try to install it this way during the next few days and get back to here with some experience :wink:

The best thing is, that the server works with the Geofabrik-files, so that there’s no need to have the map-data twice on the system.

The only stumbling block will be, that i’ve still a running MariaDB rdmbs in the project, so that i have to change the web-server-port. But i think could manage this small issue :grin:

Cheerio, Guido