Hi all,
I’ve had some odd navigation issues with OSMAND that I’ve managed to clear up with some updates to the map but I haven’t been able to figure this one out.
Here is the intersection in question: OpenStreetMap
Coming from the East, traveling West, along Highway 7, with the navigation intending to end up on Highway 107 headed north, rather than the navigation taking the ramp, the navigation turns left at the lights for Panavista Drive and goes through the Sobey’s parking lot and then turns right onto Forest Hills Parkway to travel straight through the lights onto Highway 107.
From what I can see, I can’t see any reason for it to do that. Am I missing somethings?
Thanks for anyone who can help out.
It might be because there’s a no left turn restriction Relation: 7076132
this has:
- Way 159854909 as to
- Node 1719488634 as via
- Way Highway 7 (1227430284) as from
Which … makes no sense to me as that node isn’t at the intersection of the two ways listed and it’s a right turn anyway.
Relation 7076133 also uses that remote node, but makes a bit more sense otherwise, so I think something weird has happened to the Highway 7 Geometry at some point.
What appears to have happenned is that that that node used to be the intersection of the way coming from Forest Hills Parkway and the two sliproads and that someone disconnected the sliproads from it and reconnected them closer to the main intersection then split the way to generate the new '0284 way. There was then a failure to repair the '6132 relation by keeping the new '0248 way as part of the '6132 relation rather than keeping the old way and reassigning the new shared node as via
This shows this later change.
Way 159854906 was shortened at version 22 (visualisation).
Basically all the turn restrictions around that intersection need to be reviewed and fixed.
The OsmAnd online routing also shows the issue. Here is the link to make the situation easier to understand:
To narrow down the problem, I have minimized the distance between the start and end points:
It seems that OsmAnd does not want to go through here:
There is another faulty turning restriction here:
The OSM online routers are fine:
This is because they do not use or filter out the obviously incorrect turn restrictions. OsmAnd still tries to follow them somehow.