Odd data source - Falkland Islands

Whilst looking for something else (as you do) I stumbled across what seems to be an odd import in the Falklands. An example changeset is here, and some of the tags on the data are a little odd. It might well be that source=farmboundariesewfalklands is a value OGL3 licensed thing, but at the very least some of the other tags shouldn’t have been imported, and some may need to be redacted.

This mapper hasn’t been active for a couple of months and their locale is DE. It’d be good to find out more about the import.

Looks to be licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0, and SAERI itself is here.


But do we have permission to use it?

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I wouldn’t bother redacting unless it’s necessary to redact the whole thing for copyright reasons. The owner is personal information, but appearing in old OSM data dumps is of less privacy risk than the initial release of that as open data.

Still no reply. Does anyone fancy asking the data source to create a waiver so that we don’t have to worry that the licence is CC-BY-SA 4.0?