OAuth 1.0a and HTTP Basic Auth shutdown

Note that @Firefishy’s post says:

PS: OAuth 1.0 (not 1.0a) was previously erroneously enabled, but has now been disabled.

That might explain why Oauth1.0 was not working at times outside of the brownout. A similar problem elsewhere is here.

Is this the right place to ask for directions if every attempt to authorise has failed (since June the 9th)?

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What are you trying to authorise, on what platform, and when did your attempt fail?


Sorry for the POV.

I have tried to connect to OSM with JOSM. Both the fully automatic, semi-automatic and manual method failed.

The fully automatic process tells me that it failed and that I shouild try it again or any of the other methods.

The semi-automatic process starts an external browser that tries to access the page “OpenStreetMap”. After 50 minutes I closed the browser as it was still loading.

The manual process asks me for a key and a secret code that I don’t have. I have copied the default settings but this failed.

OAuth 2 in JOSM only has Fully Automatic and Manual options. It sounds like you are using OAuth 1.0 instead of OAuth 2.0. If you do not see OAuth 2.0, then you need to update JOSM.


See also JOSM Authorisation at the OSM server failed. The server reported the following error: 'HTTP Basic Authentication is disabled: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2024_authentication_update (Code=403)' and [OAuth] aktueller Tipp für JOSM Benutzer. Note that there is button for translation below every post.


12 posts were split to a new topic: Issues upgrading JOSM

What is the status of deprecating HTTP basic auth? Just a few minutes ago I tested with upload.py and I was successfully able to submit the changeset to https://api.openstreetmap.org/

We have postponed the change until 1st July 2024. Basic Auth will still work unless testing during a brown-out window.

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Might be worth subscribing to wiki 2024 authentication update - OpenStreetMap Wiki to get notifications of changes as they happen. (as noted, it has been postponed to 1 July 2024.)

I’ve ported upload.py to OAuth2: GitHub - Zverik/osm-bulk-upload: Clone/improvements over Openstreetmap's https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Upload.py


since some years I use a PHP library from Ken Guest GitHub - pear/Services_Openstreetmap: Makes communicating with the Open Street Map API, and Nominatim, from PHP intuitive. to enrich OSM objects with wikidata tags. Just noticed now, that my scripts don’t work anymore. Found out, that the library still only supports basic authentication :frowning:
It seems, that Ken Guest isn’t very active in this project anymore. Maybe there is someone out there, who is able to write an OAuth2 extension for this library? Would be very helpful for me (and other users of this library).
Many thhanks in advance, Sascha

have you seen this issue there? There seems to be working Oauth2 fork. – Oauth 2.0? · Issue #229 · pear/Services_Openstreetmap · GitHub

Hi Matija,
thanks for notification! The fork is my own creation :wink:

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