Non-operating lighthouses?

Touring while on holidays this morning & visited a lighthouse: OpenStreetMap

The original lighthouse is no longer operating as such, & is now only a tourist attraction, but it is tagged as both Way: ‪Cape Otway Lighthouse‬ (‪533892694‬) | OpenStreetMap & also Node: ‪Cape Otway Lighthouse‬ (‪1191089493‬) | OpenStreetMap - including both man_made=lighthouse & also disused:man_made=lighthouse!; while it’s replacement light is Node: 9502027246 | OpenStreetMap, with no seaway tags at all?

So what tags should be on each structure?

I’m thinking that all of the seaway tags should be on the new light only?

But should the old structure be a lighthouse, or a disused lighthouse?

Tag:man_made=lighthouse - OpenStreetMap Wiki says that it “is used to identify a lighthouse or former lighthouse”, which suggests that lighthouses are always lighthouses, regardless of whether they are still operating or not?


Yes, man_made=lighthouse indicates that that feature was built as a lighthouse. As you can see from the wiki, the sertion Re-purposed and multi-purpose lighthouse buildings states that if it is no longer used as a lighthouse it can be tagged with a tourism tag (generally tourism=viewpoint or tourism=attraction). If you are unsure if it can be considered a touristic point, don’t add that tag. The man_made=lighthouse tagging itself is good enough to provide the necessary information, but I’d add the suggested tag in the Building properties section.


There is also building=lighthouse. Used 419x


Oh, how remarkable - 2 wiki pages that contradict each other! :scream: :roll_eyes:

So, by, once the light is no longer operating, we should change man_made=lighthouse to building=lighthouse.


So, by, once the light is no longer operating, we should change man_made=lighthouse to building=lighthouse.

I don’t see any such recommendation on this wiki page. It says despite building=lighthouse being more specific than “yes”, the latter is frequently used, and that not every man_mafe=lighthouse is also a building.

I interpreted “A lighthouse building - note that it is distinct from marking active light which is using man_made=lighthouse” as meaning that this is used for no-longer-operating lighthouses?

I interpreted “A lighthouse building - note that it is distinct from marking active light which is using man_made=lighthouse” as meaning that this is used for no-longer-operating lighthouses?

to me this reads as add both tags if it is active and remove man_made when it isn’t any more.

OK, that’s fair enough.

If the lighthouse were still active, shouldn’t it also have the appropriate seamark tags?

Perhaps man_made=lighthouse could be prefixed with a lifecycle tag like was: disused: or historic: rather than being discarded.

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So man_made=, building=, & seamark= on active, then change to disused:man_made=, still keep building=, but remove all the seamark= when the light closes down?

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What is wrong with leaving is a building=lighthouse. Adding building:use=residential when the lighthouse decommissioned and then used a normal residence.

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