Non-existent Palestinian villages

You may have noticed that the map includes many Palestinian villages that were deserted or evacuated in 1948 and were ruined.
Having them in OSM as regular villages is misleading.
This is of course a politically-sensitive issue. We don’t want to be dragged into an endless editing war here.
I think they should be changed form villages to ruins (even when all the physical remains have long been bulldozed away).
This way we keep the historically-interesting data but don’t mislead the users who would like to buy hummus at the Falugah market.
Hopefully the people who entered them will be cooperative.

You opinion?

Yes, this is the correct thing to do.
Delete the place=village tag, and add historic=ruins tag.

btw, the same goes for the places in the Gaza Strip that were deserted in summer 2005.


Is there a way to find them all by user name and tag and edit them without editing the map?

Which ones?
The ones in the Gaza Strip are all done long ago… :wink:

The 1948 Arab villages: You’ll have to track them down.
Shouldn’t be too hard.
In almost all cases, when you see an Arabic name on the map, and it’s inside the Green Line, chances are it’s a deserted 1948 village.
A quick googling will confirm any name. They are all very well documented in many sites on the internet.


The Palestinian villages.
I have no problem identifying them, I just don’t want to go in and out of Potlatch 300 times for that.
Is there a way to batch-edit them from a textual list?
How can I find who entered them and track them all automatically?

AFAIK, there wasn’t a bulk upload of them.
There some users who did a few each time.
Once you find a few villages, you could easily figure out those users.


Few days ago I’ve deleted a virtual Israeli vilage “Masua” in the Adulam forst nature reserve.
When I did so I got the impression the vilage was auto-entered (in the wrong place) based on GEO-naming something.
Might this GEO thingy be the origin of the discussed deserted villages?

Also Kaukaba which I re-tagged today is from there:

Here is the country file for Israel

and this is the website explaining what this name server is all about

User Baruch did a bulk upload from the Geonet Name Server (GNS)
But that was all in English, and had many types, like places, peaks, valleys, etc.

You can read about it here
And in a related thread.

Whenever you move such a node to its correct location, please delete the accuracy=minutes tag.

Baruch was one of the first who contibuted to OSM in Israel.
Sadly, his latest edits are sporadic and too far inbetween.

In addition to Baruch’s upload, there have been several other uploads. Some of them are from the GNS, and some from the JumpstartInternation project,
and there were also some sporadic additions by individual contributers.


I uploaded the data from the GNS source, it should be possible to find them all, at least those that weren’t edited by the hints given in previous comments. The accuracy=minutes tag would show which wasn’t edited (or at least the tag wasn’t removed when it was adjusted) and there should be a source=gns tag or something like that. There is also a gns id tag that should allow matching with updated gns data if there is one to update the villages.

The main reason to upload this data was to get all Israeli cities and villages up there but we also got the ruins.