New Telegram Group for Public Transportation Topics

Would you support creating an international Telegram group for discussing Public Transportation topics?

I only have a look into D/A/CH Telegram group from time to time (german speaking countries) and do not really follow up those discussions. I donā€™t use PC for Telegram but only smart phone or tablet with (from my point of view) limited editing capabilities.

I prefer this community forum here.

Toni, author of #PTNA and active with #public_transport stuff, also working with #GTFS

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it requires having its app installed to login even on desktop

+1, this requires no additional accounts and apps


Could we have such a community / sub forum here? Where would it be categorized? How would it be called? Are we enough supporting this idea?

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I wouldnā€™t create a new category - those are for countries, not for topics.

Just add the ā€˜tagā€™ ā€˜public-transportā€™ to a new thread.


But it would be nice if certain initiatives and projects were to get their own sub-category. We could add another high-level category called ā€œProjectsā€ and each project/initiative could get their sub-group if needed. This way, it would be easy to ā€œgatherā€ people interested in a certain topic, much as we are gathering people speaking a common languageā€¦

But everything is fine that will stop people from using slack, telegram, or other tools that arenā€™t searchable and accessible for outsiders :confused:


Yeah, Iā€™m trying to find more people with the same mapping interest and itā€™s been difficult.

+1 for being able to read contributions w/o the need of an app or need to login.