Name of lakes and parts of the lake

Bigger lakes often has alternate names on parts of the lake. How should these (the main name and part names) be mapped and tagged?

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I do feel it’s unfortunate there’s =coastline and =sea / =strait / =bay for seas, but only natural=water + water=lake for lakes. If interpreting literally, natural=water doesn’t have to be a single identifiable feature, but only any arbitrary water area. For comparison, boundary=forest has been voted to be used separately from tree areas on land. (Of course, there’s a small difference in that a lake only includes water area)
type=site could be considered, as the big lake is one lake, only split into different parts for naming. It’s not =cluster / =group , because each part is not one complete lake on its own. Personally, I try to avoid overlapping natural= areas, but it may be accepted for being a perimeter member in the =site for compatibility.
Apparently there was something that looks suitable for this distinction before Tag:natural=lake - OpenStreetMap Wiki
If you would allow me to express some opinion here, this is why landcover= is needed. natural= is a mix of individually identifiable features ( =strait , =bay , etc), and homogeneous statistical classification (=wood etc that landcover= is suitable for; cf landuse= ), not to mention other special cases (=tree , =tree_row). This causes a problem when the natural=water used for both purposes needs to be split for your question.

I don’t know if it can pass as a role model, but there are a few named parts of the lake on Lake Constance. But as far as I can see, only 2 of 7 names are rendered (because they are tagged as natural=bay. The largest part of the Bodensee called “Obersee” is certainly not a bay. No idea how you could positively influence the rendering here.