My maps on umap are gone/ What happened to the former markers?

I mapped already about a thousand sites on my umap, now it says on my profile I dont have any.
Also it seems that the former default markers changed,so even if I would do a new map with the old data set it shows different markers and sometimes the missing symbol sign.
Can you help? Any hint?
I am afraid all my work is lost, which is quite frustrating.

Hi, I use the French one .fr
I have a backup of the data, but when I uploaded it now the symbols didnt reappear/ showed broken image signs.
Usually it also showed me the maps when I was logged in under my maps, but now it says I dont have any which is curious.

I could now access back to my old map, which was not possible yesterday, but still the symbols seem to have changed as you can see in the image above. Left are the symbols I used before, now there are way more, but all in black. Does somebody know if they are making changes atm?