Multiple opening_hours at one place for different audiences and purposes

Hi, I studied the opening_hours specs at Key:opening_hours - OpenStreetMap Wiki and I’m still unsure how to add a rather complex case I encountered.

The case is this: The doctor (one person’s business) has:

  • one set of opening hours for patients with an appointment
  • a different set of of opening hours for people w/o an appointment
  • another set for patients who come to receive results of EEG ( electroencephalography) diagnostic procedure

I’m quite unsure how to properly specify the cases in the opening_hours string. My current version is this:
Mo,Tu,Th 07:00-13:00 "pouze objednaní"; We 12:30-18:00 "pouze objednaní"; Fr 07:00-11:00 "pouze objednaní"; Mo,Tu,Th 07:00-07:30 "bez objednání"; Mo,Tu,Th 13:30-15:30 "výsledky EEG"; We 10:00-12:00 "výsledky EEG"
And that’s hideous and very hard to read.
It’s here:

Translation of the opening hours notes:
pouze objednaní == with appointment
bez objednání == without appointment
výsledky EEG == EEG results

Here’s a photo of the opening hours table at the doctor’s:

(“provozní doba” == “bez objednání” times, “hodnocení EEG” == “výsledky EEG” times)

Thank you very much for you help.

Before thinking about higher needs, this doesn’t work at all, because the semicolons override the previous rules opening_hours evaluation tool
opening_hours=Mo,Tu,Th 07:00-07:30 open, Mo,Tu,Th 07:30-13:00 "pouze objednaní", Mo,Tu,Th 13:30-15:30 open "výsledky"; We 10:00-12:00 open "výsledky", We 12:30-18:00 "pouze objednaní"; Fr 07:00-11:00 "pouze objednaní"
In 07:00-07:30, it doesn’t matter whether you have an appointment. They can be shared.