By the way, even though a spaced hyphen ( -
) is being used as a delimiter in some regions, it’s also very commonly used as a non-delimiter, including sometimes in those same regions. Some examples:
- Way: Bundessprachenamt - Sprachenzentrum Nord (38880137) | OpenStreetMap
- Node: Bund der Vertriebenen - Landesverband Brandenburg (7038187988) | OpenStreetMap
- Way: Fernwärmeleitung Kraftwerk Lippendorf - Stadtwerke Leipzig (439440235) | OpenStreetMap
- Node: Parken Pelz - Parkplatz Flughafen Leipzig / Flughafentransfer (5299207188) | OpenStreetMap
Way: Carabinieri Bolzano - Bozen (395318127) | OpenStreetMap (
, but the partially multilingualname
is tricky too) - Relation: Mariafjellet - Skardbekken naturreservat / Tjaetsiegaske eatnemedavje (13346667) | OpenStreetMap
I don’t know if these particular spaced hyphens are culturally significant, but they aren’t necessarily tagging errors. (This reminds me that I happen to speak a language where one is always expected to put spaces around a hyphen.)
In OSM, these non-delimiter spaced hyphens tend to occur on things other than places, such as roads. I wonder if previous discussions around delimiting names may have been focused too heavily on place names (and welcome signs) at the expense of everything else in OSM that can also be multilingual. Personally, I find this unfortunate, living in a country where multilingualism arises organically and place nodes are the feature type least likely to need multiple values in name