Most popular tags in Thailand

In order to prioritise the localization of iD editor presets, I created a list of tag, value pairs sorted by frequency, here it is in case anyone is interested. Here is the top 50:

TAG	VALUE	count(*)
highway	residential	1292299
highway	service	886983
import	yes	716027
source	digitalglobe	713340
building	yes	694105
source	Bing	332380
surface	unpaved	323968
highway	track	240151
area	yes	149072
import	grabremote	112065
highway	unclassified	106813
oneway	yes	89980
building	roof	84673
building	house	84267
layer	1	71250
bridge	yes	71133
natural	water	61130
power	tower	60114
surface	paved	59139
source	GPS	52673
highway	footway	48521
surface	asphalt	47930
surface	concrete	45441
lanes	2	39963
source	microsoft/BuildingFootprints	37189
highway	tertiary	33501
access	private	31890
service	driveway	30004
design	three-level	28910
source	DigitalGlobe-Standard	25907
noexit	yes	25216
source	Mapbox	23789
highway	secondary	23173
amenity	place_of_worship	20423
place	village	19933
landuse	residential	19692
highway	path	17412
amenity	restaurant	16947
source	DigitalGlobe-Premium	15735
service	alley	14458
access	destination	14450
amenity	school	14444
landuse	farmland	14031
highway	primary	13714
barrier	gate	13690
religion	buddhist	13561
highway	trunk	13152
lanes	1	12975
waterway	stream	12878

Full list here: