Great work! A long way to go too! The promise with vector tiles: I, the user, can select the entities that I am interested in and at which zoom level they appear. With pre-rendered tiles, the provider sets the preferences. I learned to live with this.
The future: When I travel to Florence, I want to see all the museums at a zoom that covers all of the greater city. When I trail-run, I want to see all the drinking water sources in my vicinity. When I use my car to get to a place to walk my dog somewhere where excrement boxes abound at a zoom covering 1h drive (purely hypthothetic example, neither own a dog nor a car, but that stuff gets mapped, so there seems to be interest in it) and so on.
As of this demo, I cannot do that. When all the filtering (and merging of what is the same) is done client side, will the vector tiles get huge? Somehow someone has to decide what is available?
Minutely updates appeal to mappers mostly. Server side filtering that keeps tiles small could be most efficiently supported by specialized providers. A thriving ecosystem on the horizon?