Migrating content from old forums

@Firefishy has taken over the task after unsuccessful attempts to reach out to @cquest. At the @forums-governance team’s meetings, this is regularly the top-priority topic, but unfortunately, we still aren’t ready to perform the migration.

We do encourage people to already use this new platform in the meantime, though, as we’re confident that it will be possible to merge content from the old and new platforms during the migration process.


Thanks for your status update.

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from my marginal point of view, I notice that

  • people around what’s currently my area, at least as of today, aren’t yet really using this new community, and I don’t see them using other OSM platforms, they seem to prefer keeping the discussion on external platforms, like Telegram just to mention the least proprietary.
  • myself not intending to lose track using two distinct platforms, I’m still opening topics on the Panama forum, but I’m looking forward for all the forum threads being migrated here.

in a migration, I would expect the old platform to become read-only, and that all old URLs be redirected to the new platform, maybe to see the original if specifying some ‘redirect=no’.

we are now a few months further, is it already clear when the data from the old forum will be migrated?


Minor status update… I am responsible for the content migration from the old forum to here (discourse, community.osm.org)

I’ve unfortunately had to attend to a few critical issues affecting OSM infrastructure in the last month and have not been able to spend much time on the migration. We recently had to replace network switches at our Amsterdam data centre to improve power resilience and to ensure upgrade path for future connectivity.

I am sorry for the frustratingly slow progress.


Trotzdem ist hier Druck angebracht! Ich hoffe inständig, daß es auch so geschieht, nebst allen Folgen: Anerkennung des bestehenden Beitragszählers des alten Forums, uneingeschränkte Editiermöglichkeit alter Beiträge ohne Komplikationen/ Disskussionen (ganz wichtig!!), ect…


PS: so schnell wird es OT :expressionless:

warum sollte man einen alten Beitrag editieren?
Also wenn schon jemand darauf geantwortet hat finde ich das nicht zweckmäßig


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Es hat nicht vermutlich viel Sinn, diese Forderungen in die unterschiedlichsten Topics einzustreuen… das Migrationsthema wird hier behandelt, das Thema der Editiermöglichkeiten hier. Dort kannst Du Deine Wünsche zielgenau platzieren … :upside_down_face:.

@Mammi71 vielleicht die Migrationsbeiträge von hier in das entsprechende Topic verschieben?


Manchmal ändern sich z.B. Links oder die Überschrift stellt sich als missverständlich heraus oder der Beitrag bedarf einer sonstigen Aktualisierung. Hierfür kann zwar immer wieder eine neue Antwort verfasst werden, aber das macht die Sache sehr schnell unübersichtlich, da im Zweifel das gesamte Thema durchgelesen werden muss, statt nur der erste, aktualisierte, Beitrag.

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Wellicht als je weet wat je (nieuwe) planning is, deze communiceren.
Nu is het wazig allemaal.

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The OSMF has contracted a Ruby dev to help me with the FluxBB → Discourse migration. Our work together has started this week. He was able to get the first import running locally today.

I’ll post updates as we make progress.




Raised this in teh Site Design thread, but it was suggested that it would be better here, so reposting.

Was reading that thread for the first time, & saw this post: Site design and organization - #8 by cquest. I know that it was only a very old example of how things could be migrated, but I noticed the old OSM Communities listed for both Australia & New Zealand.

How would they then integrate with the new “Oceania” community that is just in the process of being created? Would everything from both old spots go together into the new one?


Yes, that should be possible, the same way some LATAM countries have opted to get their post into the LATAM category.


Progress update:

  1. We now have a smaller sample dataset used for repeated fluxbb → discourse imports. A full import test can take upto 22 hours!
  2. Work is progressing on improving the BBcode (FluxBB) to Markdown (Discourse) conversion code. Code under active development. Example PR upstream
  3. We will use a dedicated server for full import test runs. Server will be accessible in a few days.

We do not yet have a definite date for the conversion / import work to be completed.


Is this really needed? Discourse can also handle BBcode… this is text in [b]...[/b]

Discourse handles some some bbcode yes. Actually this caused me some confusion as I was first looking at the import results! Some of that is useful (The “quote” and “code” tags for example will be allowed through unmodified) but ultimately the import needs to convert almost all the different syntax of FluxBB-flavoured bbcode over to discourse-flavoured markdown/html. There’s a few nasty edge cases and nesting possibilities to consider

…but I think I’m nearly there with it.


Has any progress been made since?

@Harry_Wood Got the bbcode converter into a good state, the changes are in Pull Request upstream in: Minor lint fixes and typos by harry-wood · Pull Request #4 · nlalonde/ruby-bbcode-to-md · GitHub WIP Assorted tests and fixes encountered with FluxBB by harry-wood · Pull Request #6 · nlalonde/ruby-bbcode-to-md · GitHub

Harry also added tests and improved the importer, adding permalink support to allow the old forum links to still work once content migrated. Pull Requests here: Add a test for create_post in import scripts by harry-wood · Pull Request #18893 · discourse/discourse · GitHub and WIP import script bbcode fixes in Fluxbb importer + some fixes to all importers by harry-wood · Pull Request #18953 · discourse/discourse · GitHub

On my backlog tasks is to run a full import into a cloned version of this site to test the importer and test integrations. I have not yet completed this task, but I estimate before end of November.


Thanks for all that work! Would the cloned version be made available to the public for some time, so interested parties can take a look (e.g. how their regional forum was handled etc) and provide feedback if needed?