Migrated topics need to be editable and usable living on, with others commenting

On the old forum we have topics, where there from time to time the topicpost is updated.
Now it is migrated, this is not possible anymore, it should.
In many post it is linked to this topic.

Also I need to make the images visible. For better reading and understanding.

The images url are still working.

Can I indicate multiple topics to open up?

Can you clarify what you want to do with this topic?

As far as I see, you can still reply on it.

When I edit the file that can be downloaded with new layers, i update the topicpost, what is new.

And images must be visible.

If I understood correctly, you want to edit your original message. Old messages can’t be edited after sometime, but I’ve made the topic wiki it can be always edited.

For future occasions, @mods-netherlands can assist you with issues on Nederland (Netherlands)


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Hello @nukeador,

I do not seem to have the rights to turn others posts into wiki posts.
Could you check if that is correct?


You are right, users trust level 2 or higher can make their own messages wiki while edit is allowed, and global moderators and admins can make wiki posts after. It seems category moderators can’t.