Far more interesting: Is there any instance where there are both keys present but they store different values? From the examples I’ve seen, there simply is no addr:housenumber tag present. If not, I would support an automated edit for all objects with building=*.
Maybe others have more intel on that, but I would leave that as is / ask in the changeset comments. If there is a meaning to it, a wiki page would be nice.
3 cases is indeed not much, it was just weird that all 3 of them were done by Kaart. Due to a case I had with them involving DWG in 2020, I understood that Kaart doesn’t properly train all of their mappers and they don’t even quality check their edits, which is why I’m cautious when I see an edit from them, especially when it’s a modification and not creation.
Those 3 specific cases though, had mistagged the postal code and place in addr:housenumber anyway, which is why I moved them to the appropriate addr:postcode and addr:city. Although, I think there was a recent discussion about using addr:street for cases where there are no named roads and POI’s actual address is usually just the postal code and place, usually in villages. I’m not entirely sure about that, I have to search for it.
That is something that would be interesting to know during MapRoulette-Challenge. Please let us know if you find it.
I think to do a clean up on housenumber=* we need more filters. There are for example: housenumber=B1-32, housenumber=1/10 or housenumber=7E1. These could be housenumbers but that should be checked manually. Than there are 4 digit long housenumber=*. That could be addr:housenumber=* but also addr:postcode=*. That should be checked manually.
A mechanical edit like this could work:
Search for everything with housenumber=* and building=*.
Filter out everything that has addr:housenumber=*
Filter out every object where housenumber=* is not numerical.
Filter out every object where housenumber=* has more than 3 digits.
Move housenumber=* to addr:housenumber=*
I can’t tell exactly right now but I think that would edit 150-200 objects.
I think MR is a safer choice since most of problems are mostly transposition errors. If it were just a matter of consistent misuse of prefixes, near duplicates or other strange patterns I would agree with a manual edit. In this case, MR would let those with local knowledge recognize what information was out of place. They should also have the able to correct most incorrect values. This is perfect for zip code tagged as a house number example.
Independently from my question about the proposed mechanical clean up of housenumber=*, I have another question. For the MapRoulette Challenge, do you wish seperate small challenges or one big one?
I could divide them by tags (3 challenges, 1 for street=*, housenumber=* and postcode=* each)
Pro: It is easyer to concentrate on one tag instead of checking 3
Con: An object that has multiple of these tags may get completly corrected in one edit and in the other challenges it would still pop up and would be needed to be marked as “already resolved” manually.
I could divide them by Region (1 challenge for every continent, contry or group of countrys each)
Pro: This was already suggested here, it is easyer to focus on an area you feel confident with.
Con: As you can choose your area on the map anyways this is not realy needed.
Right now I prefer one big challenge but since I have seen country specific challenges in the past I wonder if there is a good readson for that.
Here is a map with every object that has
housenumber=* but not emergency=* (see here for explanation)
There seems to be not much support for a second mass edit for housenumber=* so I skip this.
My question for the design of the MapRoulette Challenge(s) has only 4 voters with no real consensus. I now created one challenge for all 3 tags excluding Jordan because of the refugee camp already meantined and excluding housenumber=* where emergency=* is set because there maybe seems to be some kind of local concept for this in some places in Russia.
Here is the MapRoulette-Challenge. If you encounter any problems with the challenge please contact me so I can fix it. If you see any concept in the missused tags tell us here. Maybe the wiki needs to be changed to prevent systematic mistakes.
In the last 3 days I was the only one who edited anything in the MapRoulette-Challenge. There are a lot of places where language and cultural barriers prevent me from fixing anything. So I need your help. Is the challenge description clear or should it be improved?
If you have knowlege about adresses in a specific area, feel free to paricipate:
I just tried to login to MapRoulette and it keeps throwing me out. Even with cookies reset and permissions reset (from my OSM account), it still won’t let me login. Haven’t searched further yet if others have this issue, but maybe this could be a reason.