Mechanical edit Proposal to clean up street=*-tag

That is something that would be interesting to know during MapRoulette-Challenge. Please let us know if you find it.

I think to do a clean up on housenumber=* we need more filters. There are for example:
housenumber=B1-32, housenumber=1/10 or housenumber=7E1. These could be housenumbers but that should be checked manually. Than there are 4 digit long housenumber=*. That could be addr:housenumber=* but also addr:postcode=*. That should be checked manually.

A mechanical edit like this could work:

  1. Search for everything with housenumber=* and building=*.
  2. Filter out everything that has addr:housenumber=*
  3. Filter out every object where housenumber=* is not numerical.
  4. Filter out every object where housenumber=* has more than 3 digits.
  5. Move housenumber=* to addr:housenumber=*

I can’t tell exactly right now but I think that would edit 150-200 objects.

What do you think about such a mechanical edit?

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