Max Speed style for motorways

Hi folks,
Did you already came accross the OSM-based

website? I am amazed by the max speed style, where you find the maximum possible velocity of trains for every way. Fantastic!

My question: Would a map like this also be possible for freeways/highways/motorways or does it, by any chance, already exist?

I would love to see a map of motorways painted according to the speed limit. Has anyone seen something like this or has an idea how to create it?


Maybe check out OpenStreetBrowser, it has a maxspeed layer (though it takes a moment for it to load for me right now).


If it’s just for your own use and you don’t have too many other requirements, you can also download motorways from Overpass, open them in JOSM and apply the map paint style for max speeds.

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JOSM has a Maxspeed Painting style

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(to those suggesting Josm for this)

It might be helpful to add what buttons you need to click in what order to do that


Do you mind an example about how to download for instance the motorways of an example country, open them with JOSM and apply the map paint style for Max speeds?


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  • In JOSM, go to preferences (next to the spyglass icon), and in the bottom left corner of the popup window, enable expert mode.
  • Close the preferences window and go to the download page. That’s the green arrow pointing down, somewhere in the top left corner of your screen, or you can use the chortcut ctrl shift down.
  • At the top of the window, go to “download with Overpass API”.
  • Insert a query that will get you the relevant motorways (see below), then press download.
  • In the Preferences window, go to “Map paint styles”, select the style called “Maxspeed” and activate it.
  • You should see some interesting results now. If not, you can use ctrl F to look for characteristics of the road sections that interest you (e.g. type:way and maxspeed=100).

Overpass query you can use to find motorways in a specific country:

out meta;

I’ve used Belgium as an example here.

If you want other highway types, then change [highway=motorway] to e.g. [highway=trunk] or add other tags like [expressway=yes] to the second line.
For other areas, change the tags in the first line to a set of tags that are specific to that area, usually the (translated) names, wikidata and/or ISO codes.

I’m happy to answer any questions, and let me know if this works for you :slight_smile:


This webpage displays all the maxspeed data in a nice way: Max speed overpass (

You might need to check some boxes to see all different speed values.



it seemed a good job for overpass ultra and its styling options, so I tried it out for the first time.

Here is my result. The color scale is quite short (four colors) and french-oriented (50, 80, and 110 are the most usual maxspeed values around here) but it should be easy to change !

The tricky part was to convert from mp/h to km/h, when the unit was specified. It’s a bit ugly but it works.

To debug I fiddled to display the calculated value, I’ve left it…

Hope this help !

Please ask if you need assistance to adapt the color scale. :slight_smile: