Mapping party in Mumbai

We invite everyone to attend our upcoming mapping party in Mumbai!

New to OpenStreetMap? Here’s your chance to learn about it, how to use it, and how to improve it. Experienced mapper? Meet other contributors, discover new tools and techniques, and work as a team to map an area.

:spiral_calendar: Date - Saturday, 26th of October
:clock10: Time - 4 PM to 7 PM
:pushpin: Location - Oshiwara (please register to know the exact meeting location)

You can also attend the online pre-party and work with everyone to remotely map the area.
:spiral_calendar: Date - Sunday, 20th of October
:clock10: Time - 11 AM to 2 PM
:pushpin: Location - online, using Jitsi Meet (please register to get the meeting link)

Visit the links to learn more, to register for the event(s), and to add them to your calendar.

To get informed of events sooner, join our Jabber/XMPP channel. Install Quicksy (free and open source) from Play Store/App Store/F-Droid, then visit this link -