Mapbox organized editing, Missing Roads in the UK

Hello, OSM community of the UK!

Our team has been mapping missing roads since May, as described here: Mapbox Organized Editing, Missing Roads

This project has been a success, and we are preparing to expand the effort to European countries, including UK. We’re sharing notice here to ensure that OSM community of UK has adequate notice, consistent with the Organised Editing Guidelines.

  1. Link to the Github ticket.

  2. List of data team members.

  3. Link to our Wiki page.

This post is the location we will monitor for suggestions, questions, and concerns. Thanks!

You can also reach out to the project coordinator directly at (Valeria) and or post a comment in a changeset.

If you’re using aerial imagery to obtain the geometry and alignment of any roads, do make sure that the imagery is properly aligned first. OSM UK’s Land Registry Cadastral Parcels overlay is very useful for this.


If you’re adding missing roads in the UK, you might find OS Open USRN and OS Open Names (both licensed under the Open Government Licence) useful in some cases like new residential developments. Although the geometries in Open USRN are simplified, the extent of Designated Street Name records can give clues as to where changes of name occur (NB signage and house numbering may differ!)

@Robert_Whittaker @rskedgell Hello! Thank you for your recommendations and sources of information for adding missing roads in the UK, we will make sure that imagery is aligned and will use additional sources for mapping.

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