Mapbox organized editing, Missing Roads in Netherlands

Hello, OSM community of Netherlands!

Our team has been mapping missing roads since May, as described here: Mapbox Organized Editing, Missing Roads

This project has been a success, and we are preparing to expand the effort to European countries, including Netherlands. We’re sharing notice here to ensure that OSM community of Netherlands has adequate notice, consistent with the Organised Editing Guidelines.

  1. Link to the Github ticket.
  2. List of data team members.
  3. Link to our Wiki page.

This post is the location we will monitor for suggestions, questions, and concerns. Thanks!

You can also reach out to the project coordinator directly at (Valeria) and or post a comment in a changeset.

I saw in the Belgium topic, @joost_schouppe mentioning where we can find the data that the Mapbox is using and that for Netherlands this activity seems to based on the NWB. The Maproulette challenge for NL seems to be:

Is this correct or is the data coming from something else then the NWB?

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Hello, emvee! For our current project we are using internal tools built by Mapbox developers based on GPS traces which identify places with missing roads. We don’t search for missing roads based on NWB on our current project as it is based on a different approach. We rely on OSM wiki and analyze the sources which are appropriate for mapping on OSM (satellite and street-level imagery, for example). Besides that, we have on the ground test drivers who can drive along a specified route and provide useful information for mapping. We use all of these sources for adding new roads and improving the geometry of the existing ones.

Based on Project Missing Roads · Issue #427 · mapbox/mapping · GitHub I see no issues, just curious if you find empty places like that in the Netherlands.
I have some reservations against adding all driveways, especially when they are very short.

Thanks for the info.

Like @Geim I am wondering how much ways are really missing apart from (private) driveways and service ways but we will see.

One question: Are your editors using the BGT Omtrekgerichte layer which you can find in:

I expect this layer to help a lot adding missing roads and align things.

For people wanting to follow this effort, see:

If you are interested in a comparison between OSM en BGT I can inform you that I’ve made a map (and WMS) with a (subset) of missing roads in OSM.


Hello, Geim! Thank you for the comment. Within our work with Missing Roads we avoid mapping very short driveways (f.ex. in cases where there is a house located right near the road), but we tend to map long driveways when there is enough evidence. While mapping we try to look at the mapping approach that is common for the area where we work, so we will surely pay attention to what’s accepted in the Netherlands mapping community.
We will keep your community updated with the results of our work in the mapping repository.

Thank you for your recommendations regarding sources of information for adding missing roads in the Netherlands, we will make sure this layer is aligned and will use it as an additional source for mapping.

Hello, PeeWee32! Thank you for the useful information regarding missing roads in the Netherlands, we will take it into consideration.

Something your mappers might be unfamiliar with is the large amount of (seperated) bike lanes. If you have an intersection of a side street with a road that has separate bike lanes, make sure you also place a node on the near bike lane (to ensure bike navigation between side street and bike lane). As well as a separate way to the far bike lane if you can reasonable cross the road there (no raised median/…).


Hello, spaanse! Thank you for the valuable information for mapping, we will take that into account and will train our mappers to act correctly in such cases.