Map Layers, can Telecommunication Fiber Networks be shown?

Question about Map Layers, can Telecommunication Networks be shown?

I have been gathering more information on my area, such as who has Fiber Internet Access and where is it located, and what speeds do they have.

I have found a couple companies that have gigabit fiber, in my research I also learned that there are some places that can even get a 10 gigabit home ethernet connection.

This got me very curious about other locations, I started to wonder what about the neighboring city, what connections do they have?

So I was thinking of how very awesome it would be to see a detailed map of available fiber networks in my area.

I am fairly certain these maps already exist, but the one with these maps are generally the companies installing such services.

I just thought that I would share how cool this would be to have as a Map Layer.

If anyone knows of any projects that expose such information the please share them with me.

I am in washington state, I am mostly interested in the Shelton and olympia cities, however I am also curious to see who else in the area has what.

I would assume with how large Seattle is that they would have a LOT of fiber, but Seattle is also pretty far away(2 hours).

Thank you for any information anyone can provide, I appreciate it.

OSM doesn’t have layers.

Such information is likely to be proprietary, and therefore not usable except as an overlay, which has not been geocoded using OSM data.

Although people map all sorts of things in OSM, my gut feeling is that this should be a separate map, possibly just using OSM as a back drop. shows a range of infrastructure related information: telephone exchanges, large server locations, streetside cabinets etc.