Linux partition for OSM only?

Hi, just build a new PC i7-12700 32gb ram, and m.2 4.0 drive, no GPU just yet so using the chips graphics. I want to create a Linux partition specifically for a tile server, the whole world for offline use, not at once but as needed, as well as creating my own static maps of certain areas using staticmaplite or one of the other out of the box solutions, I presume I can just change the code to point to my own openstreetmap so I can pull as many tiles as I want and as fast as I want(?), will probably ask for help on this once I get it all up and running, been a while but I presume just changing{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png to point to my local install will work? I would prefer to be able to do all this on windows but seems it is not possible(?).

Anyway, been a long time since I have used Linux, Mandrake in the early 2000’s so yeah a long time. Which version would people recommend today just for my specific usage and will support my hardware.

Your question is a bit like asking what is the best pizza topping, you will get as many options as answers.

My home computer runs Fedora, currently 37, but it has been my distro of choice through every version since core. For everyday home use it is great.

For the day job as a software developer I use Ubuntu LTS, which has better support for software tools and is stable.

For your requirement I would probably go with Ubuntu LTS


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There are a whole bunch of questions here - trying to answer them one at a time…

That sounds like you want to set up a tile server and load data for the whole world into it…

… and that bit suggests that you want to use raster tiles, and I’d further assume that you want the same map tiles as the “standard” style from

Given that, I’d suggest for the initial tile server setup and either or for updates. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is suggested because the software available “out of the box” in the distributions for everything to work.

For the whole planet I’m not sure what disk specifications are suggested currently (other than “large” and “fast”) but I’m sure that someone else will be able to help there.

I’m not familiar with “staticmaplite”, but yes, in most cases you’d just need to tell it that the source of the tiles was your site, not an OSMF tile server.

Just for the avoidance of doubt, OSM’s tiles are all served from https URLs such as You’ll need to make sure that anything accessing your tiles uses http or https as appropriate, and if you’re serving https tiles then you’ll need a certificate, such as a free one from Lets Encrypt.

Other options that you might consider that don’t involve setting up a Linux partition at all include:

and of course many other approaches to “rendering OSM data” are possible - different map styles, different technologies.

** That diary entry is quite old now, but new versions of Ubuntu run in new versions of WSL so I’d expect that the principle still applies.


That’s great and it has definitely sent me on the right path, I plan on putting Ubuntu as both you and the other poster suggested, will be on a 2gb m.2 PCIe drive either 3.0 or 4.0 depending on what I can find in my country that isn’t too expensive but I presume 3.0 would be fine.

Hi Garry: No biggie, but I think you’ll want a 2 TB (terabyte) m.2 PCIe drive. (Usually, capital G and T mean giga and tera, capital B means byte, lowercase b means bit, the latter mostly useful in speed-of-network expressions like 1 Gb/sec). A PCIe 4.0 drive is effectively a “waste of money” unless you have a fully PCIe 4.0 slot to put it into (usually in a motherboard, but could be in something like a USB4 / Thunderbolt 3 or Thunderbolt 4 enclosure). The difference in performance between PCIe 4.0 and 3.0 (3.0-level performance is what you’ll get if any component is 3.0, even with other 4.0 components) can be dramatic: some PCIe 4.0 hardware can be 2, 2.5 or even 3 times the speed of PCIe 3.0 hardware.

So, in short, “3.0 would be fine,” and of course it will be cheaper, but if you have PCIe 4.0 hardware (like on your motherboard / mainboard) it can be worth it to use version 4.0 hardware, especially M.2 PCIe storage. Check the speed specs on that storage carefully and “price / buy accordingly.” These days, 3.0 storage is dropping rapidly in price (but by no means is it “cheap”), however, spending 1.5x or 1.75x the price for PCIe 4.0 storage can often get you performance that is easily 2x or even 3x of 3.0 speeds.

And PCIe 5.0 hardware (described as “face-meltingly fast”) is either “here” or “right around the corner.” But of course, again, you’ll need the absolutely-latest (and expensive) mainboard and a fat wallet to indulge.

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Yes of course terabytes, that’s the thing always something better just around the corner, took me 8 years to finally upgrade from the dinosaur I was using, stuff like running osmfilter and then osmosis do dump data into a MySql database took hours, that was after about an hour of waiting for the bz2 file to extract. So even a sata ssd would be a massive improvement to what I am use to, so I think I can wait for PCIe 5.0 and DDR5 for the time being :slight_smile: but yeah both the slots on my mag mortar b660m motherboard support 4.0 so I probably will spend the extra 30 or 40 euro for the extra speed.

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