looking through the list of JOSM presets, I wonder how any new user is able to identify those they should activate and use in their mapping activities.
- there are many presets that have less than 10 words of description
- there are presets adding deprecated features
- e.g. the preset helping in turn lanes tagging is adding the long-deprecated “turnlanes:lanes” relations
- there is a large list of country specific traffic sign presets, all referring to a rejected proposal.
- These presets also show dialog boxes like the following - listing tags that are nowhere to be found in the Wiki and not providing any guidance how to use them
- These presets also show dialog boxes like the following - listing tags that are nowhere to be found in the Wiki and not providing any guidance how to use them
My suggestions:
- a Wiki page should be mandatory. At least it should be describing the preset, listing the major contents and dialog boxes
- presets adding deprecated or rejected tagging should be removed
- preset names should be checked to be descriptive of the content of the preset
- the scope of presets needs to be clearly stated, e.g. countries they apply to