JOSM Presets: Outdated, Undocumented

looking through the list of JOSM presets, I wonder how any new user is able to identify those they should activate and use in their mapping activities.

  • there are many presets that have less than 10 words of description
  • there are presets adding deprecated features
    • e.g. the preset helping in turn lanes tagging is adding the long-deprecated “turnlanes:lanes” relations
  • there is a large list of country specific traffic sign presets, all referring to a rejected proposal.

My suggestions:

  • a Wiki page should be mandatory. At least it should be describing the preset, listing the major contents and dialog boxes
  • presets adding deprecated or rejected tagging should be removed
  • preset names should be checked to be descriptive of the content of the preset
  • the scope of presets needs to be clearly stated, e.g. countries they apply to

here it depends on how it would be done - maintained preset should not be removed just because vote for tag was rejected (but tag is in actual use, see shop=outpost) or because someone wikifiddled wiki without consensus (no examples, if I would know one I would revert wiki)

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While I like your effort to look through the external addons of JOSM, I wouldn’t be that demanding and rather look what we can do right now with your list as wishlist in mind.

  • Regarding presets hosted on the JOSM wiki, a wiki page is already present and this page plus the code can be easily edited to add more description and fix typos.
  • For problems with presets hosted on the JOSM wiki and to deprecate presets a ticket is probably the best place to discuss. (Please add the authors to cc:.)
  • For problems and updates of externally hosted presets, please open an issue at the site hosting the source.