JOSM + Mapillary - wysyłanie zdjęć

Jak wysłać zdjęcia na serwer Mapillary z JOSM ?
Mam założone i aktywne konto w JOSM oraz aktywowaną warstwę Mapillary,
jednak próba wysłania nawet jednego otagowanego koordynatami GPS zdjęcia umieszczonego na mapie, kończy się pobieraniem kilkunastu tysięcy zdjęć z małego obszaru.
Przeczytałem lakoniczny opis tutaj

“The plugin also has an Import/Export functionality which can be useful if you want to save images locally or if you have taken images outside the Mapillary apps. Once you’ve imported some images, you can just drag them to their real position and upload them to our servers by clicking File → Upload pictures. To do so, you will need to authenticate the application first in Edit → Preferences → Settings → Mapillary dialog panel.”
ale nie znalazłem odpowiedzi na mój problem.

Z góry dzięki za pomoc.

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Mapillary plugin maintainer here, please note that I used a machine translated version of your post.

Jak wysłać zdjęcia na serwer Mapillary z JOSM ?

translated to

How to send photos to the Mapillary server with JOSM?

Rather unfortunately, I had to remove the upload functionality when the Mapillary API changed from v3 to v4. As of right now, the API documentation has no references to the upload endpoint. I can probably reverse engineer it from the mapillary_tools repository, but I haven’t wanted to implement something that could change at any time (and without notice, since it is undocumented).

The export functionality you are looking at takes images from Mapillary and downloads them onto your local filesystem.


Thank You very much for quick reply.
