Lost my ability to select a path/way. Does anyone know how to fix this?
which editing software are you using?
Never had the problem before in JOSM. Do you have the right Selection Mode (shortkey A) activated?
Could you explain a bit more what the problem is?
Thanks all, I am using JOSM editing software. I have the select button activated, and with this I can select the nodes of paths but I am not able to select the path as a whole. Previously I had this ability, but this selection option just stopped working. I closed JOSM and reloaded it, not sure how to fix this issue.
I figured out the issue! I had previously turned off snapping by following another tutorial. In this tutorial, I changed the editing-preferences so that node-snap-distance and segment-snap-distance were both 0. I just changed these values back to 5 and I can again select the trail paths in JOSM. A little warning to those out there that turn off your snapping!!
You can just hold ctrl to disable snapping btw.
(or hold ctrl to enable node merging when moving nodes[1])
Or invert this behavior by setting the
advanced config totrue
Aaah, when I want to merge a lone or area outline node to another, I use the selection sequence of 'which node to merge, then holding cntrl while selecting the target node to merge into and then hit M. Lasso 2 nodes and then M works too, but it’s a little unsure which way the merge will go be it that they’re generally so close, it is of little importance. This Ctrl+Node select, then move to target node is quicker and beyond doubt.