JOSM and `man_made=water_tap`

For some time now I have been wondering why JOSM does not “promote” the tag man_made=water_tap. For me, this tagging is particularly relevant in cemeteries that have a classic water tap but are not explicitly labeled as drinking water or with “no drinking water”. The tap is used to fill freely available watering cans in the cemetery to water the flowers on the grave to be tended. Water is available free of charge and access is public.
Just a random picture example: File:Friedenshügel Wasserstelle 2011.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Mostly it is this kind of tap: File:Water Tap 065 ubt.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The wiki is well documented and the use is not extreme, but quite common compared to amenity=drinking_water.

Now I’m wondering why this tagging is not suggested in JOSM. There doesn’t seem to be a ticket for it either, just that it has been added to an ignore list.
There is a comment 5 years ago with

see #16658 - ignore man_made=water_tap for now

I don’t understand the technical structure of JOSM, therefore the comment is probably completely irrelevant to my question.

Has it simply been included as a preset or does this “ignore list” mean that tagging is explicitly not suggested?

Screenshot of (German) JOSM with Search Termin “water_tap”:

Screenshot of iD Editor with Search Term “water tap”:

Screenshot of (German) JOSM with Search Term “drinking_water”:

Made me own Custom Preset (CP) for water taps with that man_made=water_tap ++ and of course the drinkwater=yes/no, many the classic nasone shape. When at cemeteries I’ll go to the florist shops at the gate and ask if potable. That said, they’re pretty good at checking that, many connected to the public drinkwater network, many too just taking springwater from up the hills and mountain. They get checked as well, the secondary tap on the feeder line closed off, or the tap removed from the nasone. Popular ones closed having an A4 from the operator say why it was closed.

Anyway, if you add EasyPreset to JOSM you can whip out these CPs really quick, plus maintenance at your fingertips, one ticket I’ve issued to the creator’s repository asking for a spacer line to improve presentation. I know the code exists to do that for the standard JOSM presets so guess their codelines could be borrowed :o)))

This is nr 42 (nr in brackets behind CP name), I’m now at 118, one of them adding denotation=* to the tree row preset… hint hint for the JOSM developers. ;o)))

Edit: snap with tag sample
Edit 2: typos

Many thanks for the tip! The plugin is really very helpful! I’ve just created a few of my own presets for frequently used things.

What about the “rendering”? Not only, but also with the Water Tap, JOSM only shows a light blue dot, can this be easily influenced?

No, the icons are ‘as is’ as stored in JOSM. I’m using Quick Labeling to get these ‘lost in darker background’ ambient to show one of the tag labels.

(wish all dark icons had a light halo, so they’d be better visible on dark areas like bus stops, telecom towers and quite a few more.


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Instead of making your life difficult for yourself, you could have simply used GitHub - simonpoole/beautified-JOSM-preset: Improved version of the JOSM presets that has had the tag since 2020.

The tag is included in the preset, but also without an icon. Or do I have to activate it in the settings anywhere?

You can either use the JOSM compatible version of the presets with the original JOSM icons, or with “mine”, for the preset at hand beautified-JOSM-preset/icons/png/man_made_water_point_34025.png at 834c335423b77cdfb9dac957683980022a68bd59 · simonpoole/beautified-JOSM-preset · GitHub

The former is, for obvious reasons missing all icons for presets that JOSM doesn’t have, which is quite a lot, see:

I installed both URLs of the ZIPs one after the other, restarted JOSM each time, then added a water tap, but there is still only a light blue box on the map.
Am I still doing something wrong?

To reproduce it:

  1. open settings, open “Presets” tab
  2. click “+” at the top right
  3. enter URL
  4. save
  5. apply the tap in the preset to a node

Just duplicated the node to show you the light blue dot:

This is what I get with EasyPreset in extreme zoom of the picture in me previous comment

Where did you place the icon? I selected it in the preset editor, but it is not displayed on the map?

Ah, JOSM doesn’t use presets to determine the icons used for its map styles (contrary to Vespucci that uses the icon of the matched preset as the default icon for rendering the data on a map).

There are arguments for both approaches, but in any case it would be completely possible to automatically generate a companion map style with the preset icons if somebody wants to use it. I’ve just never bothered as I essentially never use JOSM for anything for which the map icons are relevant.

It would probably actually make more sense to simply add code to use the preset icons to the mapcss renderer, as that would relieve the JOSM devs from doing everything twice, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that already exists, just has never been used .

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I do not know the reason either which back then led to placing it on the ignore list. Maybe @Klumbumbus can remember.

The ignore list is an internal list to silence validator and to prevent duplicated warnings. Reasons to place a tag on the list vary from having explicit warning in validator up to having a tag in an external preset.

Most work to add a new preset to JOSM is finding an appropriate .svg icon. If you can provide that, I would try it with a new ticket requesting to add man_made=water_tap to the default presets.


@skyper What are the exact requirements for this? Does it have to be a certain color because it is in the “man_made” category? Does it have to be a certain size (16x16px)?
Since it is a water tap, the existing icon for water_point would be ideal, as it represents a water tap, even if the use is different.

However, since the presets should already have different icons, I think one of these three would be my suggestion:

I’m happy to customize the graphic exactly according to your specifications!

The ignore list is used also for cases when a tag is not really “wrong” but has no internal preset yet. This way the validator doesn’t bother with the “tag is not in internal preset” warning for probably valid tags. I gues this was the case back then.

Maybe also the distinction from sililar tags like amenity=water_point or amenity=drinking_water was not clear and these ones had more uses:***/amenity/drinking_water&***/amenity/water_point&***/man_made/water_tap

The requirements are listed here at the sections “New Icons” and “Possible problems with svg in JOSM”