Israel OSM map for Garmin devices - mountainbiking

You don’t need to split it. Israel isn’t that big. Yet…

As above:
Take the pbf (it’s a smaller download as well)
and use it as-is, as input to mkgmap.


Did it. Same result - map looks fine in gpsmapedit, buggy on the GPS. Used mkgmap’s default profile without TYP file.
Large areas around Haifa have rendered as sea where it should be land; and large areas rendered as background instead of the sea.

I suppose it is due to some mis-understanding of Garmin format, all 3-rd party programs agree between it, but Garmin unit think different.

I have a guess that splitting generated sea in smaller pieces might help. How do I do this?

That is strange.

Does it look ok in mapsource?

How do you install the map onto the Garmin unit?
You should copy the gmapsupp.img file as-is, into the memory card.
Don’t use the mapsource map installer.

Do you have several layers?

Do you have the latest mkgmap software?
Sometimes it breaks, so you should always check for newer versions, and upgrade as soon as you can.

Can you post the mkgmap command that you’re using?



DATE=date +%F

exec java -ea -Xmx${RAM} -jar $MKGMAP $STYLE --max-jobs --generate-sea=extend-sea-sectors --reduce-point-density=5.4 --index --transparent --adjust-turn-headings --ignore-maxspeeds --ignore-turn-restrictions --remove-short-arcs=4 --location-autofill=1 --route --country-abbr=“il” --country-name=“israel” --mapname=97200000 --family-id=972 --product-id=1 --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapset --draw-priority=10 --name-tag-list=name:en,name,name:he,name:ar israel_and_palestine.osm.pbf --draw-priority=20 $EXTRA --gmapsupp

To install map, I just copy it to the SD card on garmin.

Have no mapsource handy (I don’t have Windows computer, will try to find one), so don’t know how it looks there. I use gpsmapedit ( to verify.

Try to debug like so:
Create the the different layers separately.

Create just israel_and_palestine.osm.pbf
And see how it looks.

Only after just this layer looks ok, ad the other layers bu running mkgmap with the output from the 1st run and the contours.

Do you have the contours as a source, or only as binary img files?
They might be corrupting things as well.


Removed contours from compilation - same result.

Ok, let’s try another input format.
After you download the pbf file, use Osmosis to extract the osm source from it, using this command (on Windows, similar on Linux):

osmosis-0.37\bin\osmosis.bat --read-pbf file=“/osmFiles/israel_and_palestine.osm.pbf” --write-xml file=“/osmFiles/israel.osm”

And run mkgmap with israel.osm as input (instead of the pbf)


Isn’t it the same as just download .osb.bz2 from geofabrik?
I did this, same result. I mean, converted to .osm with osmosis

I tried your command on a Windows machine, and I can see the sea in mapsource. I haven’t tested it on my garmin, but I believe it would look ok.
Here’s the command I used (taking your parameters, and adjusting to the way I run it):

java -Xmx512M -cp mkgmap\mkgmap.jar --max-jobs --generate-sea=extend-sea-sectors --reduce-point-density=5.4 --index --transparent --adjust-turn-headings --ignore-maxspeeds --ignore-turn-restrictions --remove-short-arcs=4 --location-autofill=1 --route --country-abbr=“il” --country-name=“israel” --mapname=97200000 --family-id=972 --product-id=1 --tdbfile --draw-priority=10 --name-tag-list=name:en,name,name:he,name:ar osmFiles\israel_and_palestine.osm

I extracted the osm from the pbf using Osmosis.
As you can see, the style is not mentioned.
I removed the mapset name, but it’s only to make it correspond to my mapsource installation. It shouldn’t matter.

Can you try running it on a Windows machine? Though I doubt it would make a difference.


Load it on the garmin, it may look different. See Haifa, north-west and south-west parts of the city. I see “flooding” in these areas.
I tested with: .osm.bz2 from geofabrik; .osm extracted from geofabrik’s .pbf by osmosis; .osm extracted from geofabrik’s asia (both .pbf and .osm.bz2). All produces same effect.

For Windows - have no Windows computer. I doubt it will be different.

Could you share your .img (rapidshare?) so I can test it?

I’m not familiar with this site, I think I uploaded it. You can download it from here.
I downloaded the pbf about an hour ago, so it should be the latest, 17/Nov file.

Please report after you test it so I could delete it from RapidShare.


Got it, you can delete.

Verified on my garmin - works well! No artifacts that I see with my compilation. Will try again, step by step, to reproduce your compilation.

Double checked - your command line produces bad map for me. I see ‘flooding’ effect.

I use same .osm file, so I suggest problem may be either Java version, mkgmap version, or mkgmap working differently on Windows/Linux

let’s compare:
I have Java
mkgmap version - tried both r1625 and recently released r1728
Windows/Linux - sadly, I can do nothing with this.

I’m happy you confirmed “my” version works well.

Java: JRE 1.6.0_20 (don’t think whether it’s a jdk or jre matters)
mkgmap: Anything from 1599 and above to the current 1728

Can you capture the log?
Maybe there are hints there?

You can try and ask in the mkgmap-dev mailing list.
Check the archive first. Both to search for similar reports (it’s called “flooding” in their jargon) and to get a feel of the language people are using.
Most of the people there are very professional, and you can ask a very technical question.
Many of them know the mkgmap source code very well, and the person who wrote the “sea plygons” is a regular as well.


OK, I found (and solved) the problem. It was because of --transparent. Really, I don’t need the map to be transparent. When I remove --transparent, everything went fine.

I hope to start generating TYP-less map in 1-2 days, need to see that everything else is OK.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Next is to invest in learning the style files, and see how you can remove all the “?? ???”
(tip: use name:en, etc…)


How is it going? I didn’t check your map in a long time.

It is mentioned here, maybe someone familiar in that Tapuz communa could write a little about it (where the map is from, etc.)
and also tell people that if they want a better map, they should upload their traces to OSM?


I participate in that forum.
Added a post with some info.

There are some good people there. Hope things pick up with enough OSM related posts :slight_smile: