Is there anything to take care if i put a image from a overpass-turbo-request on my webpage

is there anything to take care if i put a image from a overpass-turbo-request on my webpage

takem from this request

out geom;

well do i need to take care for the DSGVO / GDPR if i add such a image to my wordpress-website?

look forward to hear from you

No expert but this looks like a good resource to me:

good day dear emvee

many thanks - btw. see the image - in a i-frame

michael dempfle - the author of the i-frame script told me:

If I test the page here is works fine in an iframe:

Best regards, Michael

see the post Link: show results from the request on – in a I-Frame |

Question : - can we adjust the view on the map so that the data are loaded - allready ,., and display the density of schools in germany …1? to the sitevisitors…?