Strangely, it seems like no-one asked this on the Forum so far … I’m writing some custom JOSM presets (XML files) for myself and I am frustrated that there’s no way to force the presets to quickly get updated/refreshed if I modified the corresponding preset XML file!
MapCSS styles auto-refresh, so why not presets? And there’s not even a manual refresh button! It seems like the only way is to clear the caches every time or do something similarly tedious!
This comment on the JOSM bug tracker states there’s a workaround, but I don’t know anything about it.
When I change the preset file and want to update it in JOSM:
Restart JOSM
Every. Single. Time! (Except if your workaround doesn’t require restarts …)
This is one of the reasons I think JOSM kinda sucks! OpenStreetMap really needs a better, more polished desktop editor similar to iD, but with the versatility and offline capability of JOSM! (Ideally based on Electron or Qt, or just hire a lot more devs for JOSM, like there are for iD!)
I tried this plug-in – it is a bit troublesome as it causes exceptions sometimes (but no crashes). (Maybe I have an outdated version of that plugin …) Apart from that, I find it easier (and more interesting) to create XML preset files directly.
Never ever have exceptions caused by this JOSM addon. At any rate enjoy your code-it-yourself
(plugins autoupdate after 30 days, at least since as long as I’ve been using JOSM and that too get’s auto-updated whenever there’s a new stable release… kind of every beginning-ish of the month, courtesy of OpenWebStart.)
PS Could always file a bug report on the developers Github repository. A new release hasn’t been posted since 9/2021 but when I asked for an enhancement he was quick to reply.
You seem to have a couple of illusions, there are currently exactly 0 (zero) developers* employed for maintaining JOSM and it is extremely unlikely that there are funds available anywhere to employ ‘a lot more’.
Interesting … In that case, the voluntary maintainers of iD seem to be doing a better job at keeping the app polished than those of JOSM. There is probably a lack of voluntary maintainers for JOSM … Is there any way to gain more? After all, there are many power-users of JOSM that could also participate in maintenance and substantial improvements …
Aah, I started thinking about that already! Okay then, time to install the beautified JOSM presets when I use JOSM the next time!
One more question though: Is there a shortcut (something like Alt + Left Click on a preset entry) to only set the fixed tags (e.g. highway=residential for a Residential road preset) and skip the dialog for entering additional info?
I add my presets to my toolbar so that I can make keybinds for them - then if I only want the fixed tags, on a preset with no default="*"s set, it’s just <presetKeybind> → <Enter>
Note I wrote currently, iD has had likely more $3 million spent on it over the years, probably more, JOSM just a fraction of that*.
* as only the initial Knight foundation grant for iD and what the OSMF has paid for maintenance are public knowledge there’s a bit of fuzziness in that, but we just need to assume industry aligned salaries to get to that number.
I’m fairly sure that there is no expectation at all of “polish” for any desktop GIS application, they tend to share a lot of the same characteristics. While I’m of the opinion that the JOSM maintainers don’t make their life particularly easy for themselves, a lot of the complaints just lie in the subject nature.
PS: QGIS though OSS, has a large number of paid developers working on it. It’s the usual confusion OSS == unpaid, which is in general not true.