Is there a feature type which distinguish between double-cross and cross?

Hi all,

Is there a way how to distinguish between double-cross and cross in OSM ?

I noticed that double-crosses placed at the top of the hills in Slovak republic are marked by cross feature type.
This is confusing for visitors/tourists since they find different kind of man-made structure at POI coordinates than the OSM marks.

I list double-cross examples here:
Double-cross example nr. 1.
Double-cross example nr. 2.

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Hi VladimĂ­r,

it’s not really used at all, but there are some cross:type: cross:type | Keys | OpenStreetMap Taginfo

Therefore cross:type=doublecross could be an option.


You’ll first need to distinguish of the cross is a religious or non-religious use. If non-religious, man_made=cross

If it’s historic or religious, consider historic=wayside_cross

So far as the double / type of cross, I would use *:description=* for such, for instance: wayside_cross:description= Patriarchal cross

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@mcliquid cross:type=doublecross you mentioned already exists for Wayside cross feature. I guess I may tag that also for Cross feature.

@GA_Kevin I think in this case there are two meanings.
Religious one and identical one related to nationality and state symbolism.
What would be recommended tagging then? historic=wayside_cross doesn´t seems to be appropriate.

I list double-cross on three-peak examples here:
Double-cross on three-peak example nr. 1.
Double-cross on three-peak example nr. 2.

The map displays “single crossbar” cross marker.
Is there a way to add a new feature type for double-crosses to distinguish this double-crosses graphically?

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New features must be implemented in the id tagging scheme. The icons themselves are usually created in the Maki Icons Set by Mapbox or the subset Temaki Icons.

Check the code for e.g. man_made=cross here: id-tagging-schema/data/presets/man_made/cross.json at a11968d8b6f73b18820e978e848fddeb0a755b3d · openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema · GitHub

Second line is "icon": "maki-religious-christian", which refers to the Maki Icon Set.

You want to create a completely new tagging item, so you would first have to create an icon, get it approved as a PR in Temaki. Then open a PR in the tagging scheme for a separate preset and use the new Temaki icon in it.

You can see the steps quite well in my first tagging set here.

Note: This is only for the iD Editor and all those who use this schema (I guess StreetComplete for example). For JOSM or other editors it requires a separate preset!
And of course, that’s only for editors! What the map renderers do is a completely different matter.

Thank you for your help.
Maki repository seems to be inactive for a while. I’ve opened an issue but no one replied to me. It isn’t possible to upload my pull-request.
Double-cross icon · Issue #595 · mapbox/maki

May you provide similar steps for JSOM?