Is the Open Street Map data about Norway base on Kartverket

And, if yes, is it updated regularly?

yes and no, to both questions

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Welcome @novica! There is a lot of information on the following pages, and further links from them (some only in Norwegian):
Import/Catalogue/Road import (Norway) – OpenStreetMap Wiki
No:Permissions – OpenStreetMap Wiki
As you can see it is based on data from Kartverket via: Elveg 2.0 - Geonorge Register

BTW. Why do you ask?

Hi. Thanks for the links.

I currently work at and we had a discussion if using OSM was a suitable aproach for some things that are being built here. In particular, wheter OSM is refreshed frequently so it is as close as possible to Kartverket.

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I think its as close as it can be. If more people were importing roads we would be even closer. Where there is a diff, its usually in new road constructions (where OSM often is earlier), or the smallest roads.

I work for Entur ( and we use OSM and we’ve never had problems. We did however do some work with OSM to make sure all public transport hubs were properly connected to the roads. If you wanted to use it for veterinarian purposes, you might want to do something similar around those facilities.

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Good to know. There is a lot of updates from the Elveg data (the reason the Norwegian user @NKA is currently number six world-wide in the number of map chages), but it can always be improved as @Wulfmorn says.

The best local example of experts and supporters, making changes and consumers of OSM-data is Entur (see and [[NAPCORE] Entur Norway - NAP added value senarios. I guess if you need more information, you should contact Brede (mail in the presentation) and @Wulfmorn.