Is it possible to create node labels in id editor that adapt automatically?

Hi all,
I created a private copy of the id Editor on my local machine. I already played around the iD editor a bit and changed a few presets and co but one thing I was not able to figure out yet: Is it possible to configure the iD editor to use specific tag information of nodes, like the name of a store, or the address of it and show this information as a label on the map?
That means, the user would not need to click on the node itself but sees the information directly on the map. If that information would change, the label would be adapted automatically as well. I guess that’s what’s happening for streets to display street names? But is there something similar for nodes? In QGIS you could add that quite easily but since the iD editor is not a GIS software I was wondering if anyone came across that topic yet or has an idea if that is even possible?

It depends what you’re trying to do.

Unlike QGIS, iD is just an editor, not an integrated editor-viewer. So although your copy of iD is private, it would be uploading changes to the public OSM database, unless you configure it to point to a private instance of the OpenStreetMap website and server API as well. (Setting up an instance of openstreetmap-website is more complex than an instance of iD.)

If you’re OK with publishing your edits publicly to OSM, then you don’t need to set up any special software. There are a number of options for rendering your own map using off-the-shelf software, not to mention that QGIS itself can view OSM data.

If you’re sure you only care about the experience while editing, then in your private instance of iD, you can modify the following function to include the value of any key you like:


Thanks a lot for you quick support! Really appreciated :slight_smile: Indeed, I don’t want to publish the changes to OSM directly but only change the experience on my private instance of iD. I’ll try to follow your suggestion and will play a bit around the function you mentioned. Thanks again :slight_smile: