Most places seem to always use two nodes. Is this preferred? is just one okay, since its the same lowered kerb? I know I’m getting into minutia here, but these are the kind of things that keep me up at night!
I think this just depends on the geometry of each specific intersection. In the screenshot you posted, I’d say one kerb node works just fine. In other cases where the sidewalks are wider or set back further from the street, two kerb nodes are sometimes more appropriate.
Seconding that it depends on the geometry of the intersection - in this case, I would use a single curb node (2nd picture).
Two curb nodes are generally used when there is not a lowered curb facing only towards the middle of the street.
A good rule of thumb is “a curb for every curb ramp or tacitle paving block” - though of course exceptions exist, such as here when the entire radius is lowered and has warning surfaces: