Ireland subcategory

Category name


Is this a top-level category or a subcategory?

subcategory of Communities

Description of its purpose and which open mapping groups it will serve

Community for contributors on the island of Ireland

Why is this new category needed instead of being hosted as part of the existing ones?

Replace the Ireland forum.

Is this a new space or does it already exist on other platforms? Where?

Replace the Ireland forum.

Current volume of messages on the former platforms, if any (per week/per month)

A few per month. Majority of activity these days is on a telegram channel but we also have talk-ie@ and #osm-ie irc channel.

Is there a transition plan for the old platform to this new one? (please link or describe)

As I understand it, OSMF are porting content from the OSM forum to

(Optional) A link or list of the category specific guidelines

OSM Etiquette Guidelines will apply. In time, we may adopt some additional guidance specific to the Irish community but in general support feeding back into the global OSM / OSMF policies.

List the usernames of the category moderators

dónal (myself) - board member of OSM Ireland
Mackerski - board member of OSM Ireland
b-unicycling - board member of OSM Ireland
jonnymccullagh - board member of OSM Ireland
Heikkivesanto - board member of OSM Ireland
ManAboutCouch - board member of OSM Ireland

Reminder to @dónal : update Contributing · osmlab/osm-community-index Wiki · GitHub once subcategory is approved


I approve of the creation of this sub-category as outlined by Donal

I approve as well. Good resource for the Irish community.

I also approve the creation of this subcategory.

I approve of this proposal too. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

The #communities:ie category is now created and the moderators that commented here have been added to the group (the rest can be added once they comment here accepting the role)

Please make sure you request an update to the OSM Community Index to include this new channel for your community.


Forgot to mention that it would be highly recommended to get the OSM Etiquette Guidelines localized in your country official languages, so people participating in your category can fully understand them.

This can be done on the wiki directly as other languages have already done.
