Involving OSM in a European project Horizon call: Systemic circular solutions for a sustainable tourism horizon

Hello! If this topic doesn’t have a place here on the Forum, or if it should fall under another category, don’t hesitate to tell me and I’ll modify it.

I work at the European Cyclists’ Federation ( and we are currently preparing an application for this Horizon Europe funding programme call: Systemic circular solutions for a sustainable tourism HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-01-4 - European Commission, together with a consortium of a few organisations across Europe. If the project gets selected, the EU funding will cover 70% of the project’s costs.

The idea of the project so far is this one: “Cycling tourism is a sustainable and fragmented sector with high growth potential. It depends a lot on local offers, providing economic impact, but preventing an easy understanding and access to integrated tourism experiences, with a very interdependent value chain at stake. The project aims to better define the cycling tourism ecosystem and state of the art, to come up with solutions for more systemic and circular developments to benefit a growing sustainable tourism sector based on innovative digital solutions and pilot areas, to answer the needs and expectations of cycling tourists”.

In terms of “innovative digital solutions”, we thought that it would be interesting to involve OSM in this project somehow, in order to stress the importance and potential of open-source solutions. But I am not sure how to do it, and how OSM could be a partner in a European project. Is it at all possible and has it happened in the past? Maybe the topic is too specific, compared to OSM project which is broader? Should I rather ask local chapters, or companies that follow the OSM philosophy?

Any insights or ideas are welcome. Of course I can try to give more details if this is not clear - but the project is still under construction. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:


One first reaction: OSM is centered around ground truth. So anything that does not show on the ground, will not be in the OSM database. E.g. cycling tours offered without street signing, will not go into the OSM database; however they can be held in a different database system and merged for the end user.
In that sense, the cycling tourism ecosystem is broader than OSM.
That said, I think a lot can be accomplished within the overlap between the OSM and the tourism ecosystems.

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