Investigation of open public hiking trail data from the german data portals

(I understand written german, but cannot write it well, feel free to answer in any language you want)

I investigated open public hiking trail data from the german data portal today based on the 5 star data model and open formats and whether it likely covers all trails in germany or not.

The result was (similar to Sweden and Italy) that we don’t have a lot of public data about hiking trails and what little we have is lacking in multiple ways.

I am curious whether there is a law in Germany concerning open data?
Would anyone here like to push for more open data about hiking trails in Germany?

In Sweden, we got a new law last year which requires public companies and authorities to share data if they have it when requested, with a few exceptions.

This law has never been tested in the courts, and the authorities I contact with are either not aware of the law or breaks it by refusing to share the data. :man_shrugging:

or share it with CC-BY-4.0 license, which is not compatible with OSM.

Same for GTFS and public transport here in DE.

The result was (similar to Sweden and Italy) that we don’t have a lot of public data about hiking trails and what little we have is lacking in multiple ways.

the German situation is not at all comparable to the Italian situation, because the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) is officially collaborating with the Italian OpenStreetMap-Foundation chapter for many years now, and is actively contributing all of the signposted Italian hiking trails that it manages into OpenStreetMap (more than 100.000km) including detail rich metadata (length, times, ascent, descent etc.).

Oh, that sounds really fantastic. Now I feel like going to Italy to hike :grinning:

Oh, that sounds interesting. Here in Sweden, Wikimedia, me and a few others successfully lobbied the digital authority to recommend CC0 for all public data as a standard. That was a big win because now we can refer to that if anyone uses other licenses.

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