International Boundary


How is it possible to modify international boundaries between countries? Is there some sort of a different process for this?



Which countries might I ask. International/Intercountry boundaries don’t move that easily.

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Do you mean “change it in OSM because what is in OSM is wrong” or “create a map with different boundaries to what is contained in OSM”



The boundary between the Turks and Caicos Islands (British) and the Dominican Republic.

There was a treaty which defined the 5 points (lat/lon) along their maritime border in the 1990s.

Open Street Map shows the Dominican Republic with a north/northwestern boundary next to the Turks and Caicos, which isn’t accurate.

You can see this maritime map on Wikipedia:

The boundary needs to be adjusted to reflect the treaty or needs to be removed, as what OSM hasn’t doesn’t seem to be based on anything at all.

Let me know how we can get this done.


It looks like this agreement has never entered into force.

It has apparently not been submitted to UNCLOS either:


Where does this leave the boundary line then? What’s being shown on Open Street Map seems to be the Dominican Republic’s view on the matter, which doesn’t seem reasonable.

It would seem like the boundary needs to be removed then and labeled as disputed, rather than list the Mouchoir Banks as part of the DR. Here is a discussion on the matter:

Whatever is done, just leaving it as is, with the Dominican Republic having ownership over disputed waters doesn’t seem to be the right solution.
