Instagram users could not create a note or map feedback easily

I know the Instagram application is outside our scope to modify it, but currently, the link between that app and OSM is the “Fix the map” page, and we can use this page to welcome Instagram users to be part of the OSM community.

From that application, one can see an OSM map and report an error. Instagram is pointing to a generic page that welcomes users to become mappers or create notes. However, that page is not clear, and once it is pressed the map Start Mapping button, the map’s location is different from the source.

You can see what I mean from any of these videos:

What do you thing about improving this welcome page? Instagram users are feeling interested in participating in our project with that page? are they going to start contributing? even by creating a small anonymous note?

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I think that the “Fix the Map” page is actually pretty good - it’s concise enough so that people can actually read it and it can get its information across.

Based on the correpondence that the DWG gets from users of third-party maps such as Instagram**, a significant number don"t understand where the data that they see on their screen comes from (their device, from FB/Insta themselves, from OSM and from other map sources).

I can see that a “third party maps landing page” could make sense, and also that a triage page within Insta would make even more sense, but FB/Insta would need to add that themselves.

Perhaps you could create a mockup of the sort of thing that you had inind somewhere?

** which is a lot

We can check referrer and serve an app-specific version of this page.