Initial discussion: Possible new way of mapping emergency service areas & locations

Yet you could attract too much controversy by covering too many things, viz your =police , and another’s =lifeguard here. Applying my concern for whether emergency= should be used for features not responding to emergencies, some may not like a landuse=emergency_* being used for those supporting features. Maybe even landuse=industrial is still acceptable for standalone storage or maintenance facilities, regardless who they are for.
=lifeguard specifically won’t be standalone. Next to a pool or beach inside a =sports_centre or =beach_resort , it can be covered by a undetermined public landuse= , or =commercial when private.
Carto still hasn’t rendered =education . For now, I’m happy enough with having Tracestrack rendering =institutional .

But are there repeated complaints that there are too many things mapped under amenity=?

these are without reason, there is no limit for the number of values to a key. I think the complaints about this stem from the misunderstanding that end users would have to be presented a list of all possible values, but actually presets aren’t necessarily structured around the same key, you can structure presets in any way in your app, and often today it is done with freetext search so the number of values for the same key doesn’t play a significant role anyway


And why it would be even a problem?

And as far as deprecating widely used values goes: it would be nice to first finish cleanup of known problematic and bogus ones before deprecating good ones (see say natural=land | Tags | OpenStreetMap Taginfo )

See also healthcare=hospital mess.


I agree entirely, & I’ve always wondered about the complaints, but they’ve still been made!

If someone would make them I would ask for more detailed info why it is even supposed to be a problem.

And ignore that for now.