India-Nepal Boundary Dispute over Kalapani area

Some uses changed Defacto Boundary of India in. Uttarkhand State and shown the area of Kalapani and major portion inside Nepal.
I edited the map to show correct de facto boder but repetitive revert my edit.
I want Openstreetmap community to stop this vandalised of indias boundary.

Kalapani territory - Wikipedia This area is administrative Part of Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand State in India. Although claim by Nepal.
But these unilateral changes can’t change India’s position and people’s living in that area

It appears that my attempted revert was not fully successful, I’ll have a look. @Sushant852, no need to use all-caps.

I have commented on Changeset: 151084278 | OpenStreetMap with a link to this thread; perhaps other people with knowledge of the region might want to chime in. Also maybe this should be moved from “help and support” to “general talk”?

In the changeset comment, user Anil Basnet wrote the following:

There are numerous proofs to claim Lipulekh-Limpiyadhura-Kalapani belongs to Nepal that Nepal possesses. Few of which have been mentioned below.

Article 5 of Sugauli Treaty clearly states that Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura belong to Nepal. But India has been trying to create a dispute regarding the point of origin of Mahakali river. Not only that India even further manipulates the fact of Point of origin of Mahakali river by claiming small stream of Lipulekh as the point of origin of Mahakali River.
Survey of India had released a Map called “Gadhwal Map” in 1827 A.D. which also clearly shows that Limpiyadhura is the origin of Mahakali river. Hence there is no confusion regarding the point of origin of Mahakali river.
Survey of India had also released a map called “Nepal & Countries adjoining to the south, west & east compiled in the office of Survey General of India” which also clearly shows that Limpiyadhura is the origin of Mahakali river again there is no confusion regarding the point of origin of Mahakali river.
In the article 3 of the Treaty mentioned by the then Junga Bahadur Rana , Prime minister of Nepal has clearly mentioned in his own Hand written Document that Limpiyadhura is the Origin of Mahakali river. This document is well preserved even at today’s times. Again there is no confusion regarding the point of origin of Mahakali river.
Also, Google map and other scientific methodologies also proves that Limpiyadhura is the point of Origin of Mahakali river.
A Census was held by Nepal on 1961 A.D. in Nabi, Kuti, Kalapani, Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura & people residing at Nabi, Kuti, Kalapani, Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura all participated actively in the Census and also participated actively in the election by polling their votes in 1960s.
There is Land revenue tax bills paid by the people residing at Nabi, Kuti, Kalapani, Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura to the Govt. of Nepal.
There is other 120 other legal documents like official letters exchanged between the then Government of Nepal and East India Company and many more which clearly proves that Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura belong to Nepal.
Therefore, there is no any dispute or problem regarding the Sugauli Treaty nor regarding the true ownership of the regions like Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura. These lands were/are the sovereign regions of Nepal. India has encroached Nepalese territories in a complete daylight.

I requested that the discussion be conducted here instead.

It seems - based on comments making many mentions of old treaties but not about the facto current control - that this edit should be reverted and actual line of control should be mapped.

Is anything indicating otherwise?

(Note: I am unfamiliar with local situation, this comment is attempted summary of discussion that happened so far)

To quote comment from changeset comments:

Boundaries in OSM should follow actual control, not what some government claims. Among other things, we would ask things like: If you want to travel to this area, do you need a Nepalese visa or an Indian visa? Do the people living in this area pay taxes to the Nepalese authorities or to the Indian authorities? If a crime happens in this region, will it be the Nepalese police investigating, or the Indian police? Questions like this will determine how to map the boundary in OSM

I’ve moved it. I’ve added a couple more tags, but I can’t see a way to turn Post Voting off. If people “sort by activity” by selecting that option above it’ll work mostly like a regular thread.

How can Sudden Claim justify altering the de facto border on OpenStreetMap?

I urge the OpenStreetMap community to correct the map. These territories are administrative parts of the Republic of India. They are controlled by India.

All infrastructure, administrations, and people in that area are Indian. India administers these territories as a part of Pithoragarh district in the Kumaon Division Uttarakhand state.

The actual mapping situation is:

  1. Kalapani belongs to the admin_level=2 region of India

  2. Kalapani belongs to the admin_level=2 region of Nepal

I think this contradicts to the „on the ground“ rule of OSM.