Incomplete search on Nominatim API

Hello folks,

I’m searching for all the Hard Rock Café restaurants/shops around the world using this query on the Nominatim API: Rock Café&limit=1000&format=json

The response gives me 50 results:

[470961906, 10574153009, 10862648191, 2508925826, 302772197, 1657087254, 5061379721, 4286297595, 6508496195, 3455006701, 649582925, 4869007121, 4793939989, 785382245, 4951486125, 7577160685, 643445596, 6262113743, 4460020408, 10861897029, 8822763843, 3395218173, 2115076350, 2513360787, 4560809090, 2611640868, 301318899, 540705964, 2514919606, 3115138139, 997941668, 370766642, 7578499992, 1242530870, 5268768159, 256199043, 472458693, 643389000, 757411367, 643356949, 5018719310, 2086997079, 4951965621, 3747196262, 9074642820, 475613690, 3888031664, 2267258442, 5895540503, 6283146185]

But not the restaurant in Amsterdam for example.

If I use a more specific query like this: Rock Café Amsterdam&limit=1000&format=json

I get a result.


So why is this node missing in the first query?

Have a nice day,

You should use the Overpass AtPi for this kind of query according to the Nominatim FAQ: FAQ - Nominatim 4.4.0 Manual

And please consider this part of the API documentation to the limit parameter:

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This makes sense now. Thank you!