Include a logo (small image or icon) in the results of a query in overpass turbo

Is it possible to include a logo in a overpass query, instead of just showing a circle on a POI?

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Yes, here’s a random example I found on the web: Styling nodes


Thank you for the example. I could create a query to show a specific pharmacy in my country that has included a lot of stores in the map: overpass turbo


10 pharmacies in the results are modeled as way, rather than a node. To also see them on the map with an icon, you should use out center instead: overpass turbo

Check out the following two links to compare both versions side by side: overpass turbo - and - overpass turbo (out center)


Buenas tardes.

Es posible. En el wiki encontrará todos los detalles sobre cómo usar los estilos MapCSS en Overpass turbo. Las traducciones están disponibles en español, las creé yo mismo.