I want to apply a overpass-turbo-request to different areas of a country

hello dear experts,

i want to apply the following request to the area of a country - let us say

a. to switzerland or

b. Luxembourg

rel[boundary=administrative][admin_level=6][name="München"] -> .city;
out center;

want to apply the Overpass-Turbo-request on different goals - destinations - areas

think that the admin-level is a important "category " here - that makes the difference.
but i am not very sure about this

how to change this!?

You can have a regular expression for ‘name’


matches all names which are either exactly ‘München’ or exactly ‘Ebersberg’ or exactly ‘Erding’

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hello and good evening dear Toni Erdmann

many thanks for the reply and for your feedback. Awesome.

You can have a regular expression for ‘name’


matches all names which are either exactly ‘München’ or exactly ‘Ebersberg’ or exactly ‘Erding’

this sonds very interesting - i will dig deeper and have a closer look at this kind of reg-expression.

this will help me to get a deeper understanding of the so called “Admin-Levels” and the technique of applying these expression on areas like

a. swizzerland
b. Luxembourg
c. Austria

first of all - many thanks for your help

btw: i am very happy to be part of this forum - a great and outstanding place.

have a great day.

You can also geocode an area (example below in UK):

out geom;

Have fun!

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good day,
many many thanks for the quick reply - awesome. I am so glad to hear from you !!