I uploaded my business on OSM but it didnt show yet on facebook, instagram or tiktok

I uploaded my business on OSM but it didnt show yet on facebook, instagram or tiktok

I can’t comment about Tiktok but I don’t think that there is a direct link between businesses in OSM and places in Facebook/Instagram.

Facebook/instagram do use OSM in at least some places for background maps, but there is a bit of a delay on that too.

I don’t have any connection to FB, but there may be people reading this who do, and maybe they will be able to give a more up to date answer.


OSM makes data available immediately, none of the users of that data are forced to take new data at any defined pace. Some data consumers ingest new stuff within minutes or hours, some make take months or never update.

If the information shows correctly in the OSM data then you generally need to contact the support people for whoever is using the data to see when they plan to update.