Hymalia is too important for not being mapped yet

Hi everyone,
I know I can find keen people and great mappers here in Nepal.
You know, Hymalaia mountains are too important for not being present, or at least not reported largely, and your personal contribution would be a big thing for every user of openstreetmap.
So, if you are one of them or you know people willing to help this purpuse, please leave us some contacts.
Every group, community, on any social network or website could help the development of the maps.
Thanks for your time

Dear unipoli,
the problem with mapping Himalaya is following:
There are less guidelines how to make interpretation of aerial images.
Look at this image: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/27.78378/87.62815
Edit it. How to map areas left and right of the river?
We should make an decision. As long as the mappers are unsure what to do, they make mapping only of elements, they know. Maybe we need an enhancement of recent specification, because Himalaya is so unique. We should discuss about.

I guess you could google and find out some organisation active in Himalaya and offer them teaching OSM and cooperation in mapping.

Best regards,