Humanitarian Maps for Refugee Crisis EU

Hello Slovenian OSM community,

we are a small group of OSM mappers from Central Europe, some of us also volunteers from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. In response to the refugee crisis taking place in Central Europe we have decided to create up-to-date maps of refugee camps for humanitarian organisations and NGOs working on the ground. The data will include information about location, capacity, equipment, housing and operator. The goal is to improve logistics, distribution of food and medical care.

So far we have mapped in Hungary, Germany and Austria but we would like to focus on southeastern European countries. That´s the reason we are reaching out to you. Everybody is welcome to map, no matter what skill level.

For further information, please contact us at


Katja Ulbert

Two nodes with tag refugee=yes has already been added:

Not all important information has been added. The main source (also tagged) was

Katja from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has send some additional recommendations.

We have come up with some recommended tags
refugee=yes This one should always be used.
If the location is already mapped, please add it.

If it is an existing migrant facility use the official information (values like migrant detention centre, reception centre, transit centre, immigration jail)

If you have information who resides in the camps use social_facility:for= examples: refugee;juvenile , refugee;men*

Another very important tag is capacity=
if information is available operator=* name=* / name:en=**

If camps are planned but not yet build use proposed:social_facility=*

I you have additional information use an annotation key and if possible add a source.

Further information on tags

If you can verify buildings or tents draw ways, otherwise a node. Sometimes the imagery is not up-to date then add a fixme=*

*Information about existing camps in Central and South-Eastern Europe are available here and here *

As a basis they should all be mapped, would be great if you could check that.

Other good sources of information are governmental releases, local newspapers and of course local knowledge.
As this is all in the making you are very welcome to give us feedback and make suggestions.

And despite the sad occasion: Happy mapping:)

